Who: Naoto Shirogane, Yosuke Hanamura, and Souji Seta What: Meeting after Souji's arrival! Where: The place the Persona 4 kids took over for living and stuff like that When: October 2nd, backdated to Souji's arrival
Who: Gamma, Uni, Persona kids, NPCs EXCEPT NOT YOU DAI >( and anyone they invited What: Dinner party sob Where: Some random building appropriated for this purpose When: Last night
Who: The Special Extracurricular Execution Squad Mk II: Caim (undeify), Erielle (misdeify), Akihiko Sanada (boxes_shadows), Yosuke Hanamura (innerdiscofrog), Naoto Shirogane (ideating) and Angeal Hewley (divigate) What: Sadako The mirror ghost is going down. Where: Northernmost sector of town. When: Soon after this and this. Posting Order: Akihiko > Yosuke > Naoto > Angeal > Caim > Erielle or AS THE
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Who: Yosuke Hanamura (innerdiscofrog), Akihiko Sanada (boxes_shadows), Naoto Shirogane (ideating) What: Team Persona, upon meeting each other and discovering that they have 'summoning things from their head to kick enemy arse' in common decide to cement their new found friendship by going around, smashing mirrors, and tempting fate. Where: That general food/water area. Started at
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